Rehire Employee Workflow
  • Ready for review
  • Rehire Employee Workflow

    The following workflow details the process of rehiring a previous employee who was since marked as terminated.

    Workflow Steps (if done through Unified Talent):

    1. A job posting is created on Applicant Tracking

    2. A candidate is chosen and recommends the candidate to HR.

    3. HR reviews the choice and the candidates references, if there are no issues they select the handshake icon to begin the new hire process.

      1. How to recommend an applicant for hire

      2. Processing recommendations for hire - Begin Hire Process

    4. When searching for existing records the previous employee record is found. At this point stop and move over to eFP before proceeding further in Applicant Tracking.

    5. HR opens the employee information screen in eFP and unterminates them setting their status as active “A - Active Place Holder” and remove the information from the termination window (termination reason, last date worked). Remove SSO Identifier and User Login information.

    6. HR switches back to Applicant Tracking and can finish the begin hire process.

    7. HR then assigns Checklists for the candidate to complete and the candidate is notified via email that there are pending checklist items.

    8. HR switches over to Employee Records and finds the employee record. If deactivated, the record is switched to active.

    9. HR then checks the box for “Do not authenticate with OIDC” and sets login as personal email address.

    10. The candidate then fills out the required paperwork and checklist items.

      1. Viewing and Completing 'My Tasks' in Records

    11. HR reviews these completed forms. If any of the documents/checklist items require revisions, HR declines the submission and returns the checklist item to candidate requesting a revision. If all of the documents were completed correctly the candidate is recommended and sent to the board for approval.

      1. If board does not approve of the candidate, it is sent back to step 1.

    12. HR makes any necessary demographic changes to the eFinance record.

      1. Supervisor field is updated to the new supervisor.

    13. If a new UserID is needed, HR emails or submits a ticket requesting a new UserID be generated for the employee.

      1. IT will email back when the old has been removed and the resignation date can be removed from eFP.

    14. Once board approved, HR fills out a maintenance form including position information, salary/rate, days worked, starting date, and ID#. HR provides this form to Payroll.

    15. Payroll reviews the payroll-related checklist items. If any of the documents/checklist items require revisions, Payroll declines the submission and returns the checklist item to the candidate requesting a revision. If all of the documents were completed correctly, Payroll processes these directly on eFinancePlus.

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