Processing recommendations for hire - Begin Hire Process


  1. Log into Unified Talent Applicant Tracking

  2. Check the box to create a new employee record then click the Search Records button for the employee

  3. After flag is checked, search for the employee - when the employee is found click the Replace button

  4. After clicking Replace, please set the Location, Job Type and select the Checklists to assign to this Candidate

  5. In the Select Checklists to assign to this Candidate - select the appropriate checklist item

  6. In the Hire Actions box, select the appropriate boxes

  7. When ready, click Submit at the bottom of the page

  • This will create a new Pending Employee record in eFinancePlus

  • Once the new hiree completes and submits their clearances and the School Board approves the hiree Human Resources will continue moving through account setup to activate in eFinancePlus

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