Viewing Employee Records

This article will walk you through viewing uploaded documentation, assigned checklists, and contact logs for both active and inactive employees.

 Viewing Folders and Checklists

  1. Search for the employee using the quick search feature (active employees) or the advanced search feature (active and inactive employees)

  2. After finding the employee record, you land on their main employee record page, which contains the folders containing their documentation and their assigned checklists

  3. You can go into an individual folder to see all uploaded documents (current and past)

 Viewing Uploaded Employee Files

  1. Search for the employee using the quick search feature (active employees) or the advanced search feature (active and inactive employees)

  2. After finding the employee record, click on the File List tab to view the employee files

    1. Files can be sorted by date of completion, folder or sleeve

  3. Click the View button to view the uploaded document

 Viewing Employee Contact Log

  1. Search for the employee using the quick search feature (active employees) or the advanced search feature (active and inactive employees)

  2. After finding the employee record, click on the Contact Log tab to view all automated communication sent to the employee

    1. The contact log can be sorted by contact time only

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