How to Make an Employee Active
Candidates are considered a pending employee in eFinancePlus until all required windows on the Pending Employee Center screen are completed and the Finish button has been selected. The candidate will technically be provided an active UserID/email when the Miscellaneous Information screen is generated. For additional information about that please refer to: How to create a UserID/email for New Employee
Candidates only show as pending employees after the Begin Hire process was submitted from Applicant Tracking Recruitment.
Log into eFinancePlus
Navigate to Human Resources → Entry & Processing → Employee → Employee Information
Use the search criteria to find the desired employee. Double click on employee.
On the Pending Employee Center screen, Employee data is split into different sections.
When the section is completed a checkbox will be checked next to the section title.
Required sections are denoted with an *Asterix*
Human Resources will fill out their required fields, selecting the MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION button creating the UserID/email in the process.
Once Human Resources have completed their portion, it is sent off to payroll to finish the Payroll portion.
Payroll will navigate to the same screen and finish the final screens, selecting the Finish button at the end and fully moving the employee into an Active status.
Example Pending Employee Center Screen
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