Submitting Monthly Mileage Reimbursement in Records

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When you submit a request, you will be entering total miles driven for date range.

You will need to upload a detailed document that has each trip per date and miles driven for each trip

Fill out the Required Tracking Form

Link to Google Sheet to Track Monthly Mileage

  • Link for Mileage Reimbursement Calculator

  • Make a copy stored in your google drive

  • Make a new copy for each month as these should be submitted monthly

  • This document will be needed later in process and downloaded as pdf

    • Once completed download the document as a PDF: In Google when in doc select File then download and select pdf

When you upload your mileage form you MUST name it like this: The month that it is and Mileage.

Example: February Mileage

Complete a Monthly Travel Reimbursement Form on Employee Records

  1. Open Powerschool Employee Records

  2. On left side menu bar select Available Forms

  3. Select Monthly Travel Reimbursement to create a new blank form to fill out.

    1. Some basic information will be pre-loaded including your Name, Employee ID, and Job Title

  4. Enter information in these required fields

    1. In Beginning Date of Travel Submission: Enter first date of trips to be submitted

    2. In Ending Date of Travel Submission: Enter last date of trips to be submitted

    3. Enter the Total Number of Miles, this must match what was calculated from the Mileage Calculator Form.

    4. Total Amount of Reimbursement, this must match what was calculated from the Mileage Calculator Form.

    5. Employee Vendor Number

      1. This number can be found from Employee Access Center, under demographic information.

      2. If you are missing this number please reach out to to request a vendor number.

Vendor Number on Employee Access Center
  1. Scroll down to Attachments

  2. Select the “Upload a file” button to the right of “Detailed Monthly Trips”

    1. Find and upload the completed Mileage Reimbursement Calculator

  3. Verify the total miles on that document match total miles previously entered.

  4. Verify the total amount on that document matches total amount previously entered.

  5. You are now ready to submit

  6. Click the Blue Save Final button


Save Final


  1. It will then refresh and require a signature. Scroll to the bottom of the form.

  2. Sign name, and check box.

  1. Click Submit

Once submitted, the form will disappear from your tasks.