Submitting Monthly Mileage Reimbursement
This is not yet available
When you submit a request, you will be entering total miles driven for date range.
You will need to upload a detailed document that has each trip per date and miles driven for each trip
Link to Google Sheet to Track Monthly Mileage
Make a copy stored in your google drive
Make a new copy for each month that you are tracking and name it in way best for you
This document will be needed later in process and downloaded as pdf
In Google when in doc select File then download and select pdf
Link for Mileage Calculator
Open Powerschool Employee Access Center
On left side menu bar select Expense
First time using you will see a page like this
Click Create Expense Request to start process of new Mileage Reimbursement
Enter information in these required fields
In Expense Type: Select 1000-Monthly District Travel from menu
In Description: Enter Monthly Mileage
In Start Date: Enter first date of trips to be submitted
In End Date: Enter last date of trips to be submitted
Depending on your screen resolution you may now need to scroll down to see Expense Details
In Expense Details you will only enter one line of details
In Expense Date: Enter the same date as your End Date from above
In Expense Category: Select 1000-Total Monthly Mileage from menu
In Units: Enter the total number of miles you are requesting reimbursement
Leave all other fields blank
To the far right click on the three horizontal dots
Click Add attachment and select your detailed document
The detailed document is the downloaded as pdf of your Mileage Calculator for the date range submitted
Verify the total miles on that document match total miles in the Units Field
You will now see the title of that document Under the heading of Attachments
You are now ready to submit
Note you will only be submitting one single Detail Line do not enter multiple
Click the Blue Save & Submit then Save & Submit from the menu selection
Click continue on the dialog box. Your Budget Secretary will fill those items in later
You are now finished and request is now going to proceed through approval process
You will receive automated emails
Request submitted
If Approver needs corrections made
When request is approved and sent to Account Department for processing