Viewing and Editing Daily Attendance - Admin
There are five modes of taking attendance:
By Day (this article)
By Meeting
By Interval
By Time
In this article, we will go over taking attendance by day for Admins. Here’s a basic overview of the daily attendance tab:
Navigate to the Daily Attendance page.
To view information for a different date, click the Calendar icon next to the current date, and select a date.
Review the Student Counts for each attendance code. By default, students with absences appear on the first tile. Click the tile to remove the filter and view all attendance codes in the grid.
Click any attendance code to filter the student results.
Add or Update Attendance
When adding or updating Daily Attendance, you can search for a student by name or student number, enter attendance for that student, and set the drawer to keep open as you search and enter attendance for additional students. The Attendance Data Grid and student count tiles are updated immediately upon saving and closing the drawer.
Adding or updating Daily Attendance using the Attendance Data Grid is recommended when adding or updating attendance for multiple students. Refer to Daily Attendance to learn more about entering or updating attendance for an individual student.
On the Daily tab, click Add.
Search for a student by name or student number or scan a barcode of a student number.
Choose the attendance code.
Enter a comment if needed.
Select Print Admit Slip for Today to generate an admit slip to authorize the student to proceed to class.
Enter Clock In and Clock Out times. For SCASD use, consider this to be time the student arrived and time they will leave. Select Exclude to remove this time item from the total time calculation.
Select Keep Open before saving to keep the drawer open and enter attendance for additional students.
Click Save.
Below you can see the screens described in steps 2-8. Once you select a student (In this case, “Testing Test”), you can see all the options you have for students, including a long list of attendance codes.
Additional Options
Select a student name to view their Daily Attendance.
Choose Edit to enter attendance for that student.
Select the home phone to view contacts associated with the student. Contact Info appears if a phone number has not been entered.
Click the Attendance Code to review any additional comments.
Make the filtered list of students your current student selection by selecting the checkbox in the header row for all students or the checkbox for individual students. Then click Set Current Selection.
Download the attendance information as CSV, XLSX, or PDF.