Daily Absent List - ATD403

Synergy SIS > Attendance > Reports Daily > List

The Daily Absent List displays all students absent on a given day by section

Report Options:

Section ID or Teacher - Prints the report for only one section or teacher. By default, the report prints for all sections and teachers.

Use Student’s Home Phone - Prints the student’s home phone number

Date - Prints attendance details for the date entered

Reason Types or Absence Reasons - Filters the report by absence type. To select or clear all Absence Reasons, use

Include Attendance Detail - Includes any attendance notes, the arrival and departure times, and the minutes attended

Include Phone Log - Prints all phone numbers listed for the parent/guardian

Parent Info - Select which parents to include in the report based on the rights selected on the Parent/Guardian tab of the student screen

On the Sort/Output screen, delete the row for section if you just want a full list of all students absent in a building.

If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services