Mass Emailing (student selectable)

Please follow the steps below to compile a mass email to parents using the Student screen and Mass Email screen. Not following the below steps may result in unnecessary emails being sent to unintended users.

IT Services is not able to undo/unsend an unintended email. Please revise the email, recipients, filters, options and attachments BEFORE sending


  1. Verify your Synergy focus is set to your building

  2. Open the Student screen

  3. Click the magnifying glass button to start an open search

  4. In the Student ID box type *


      Screenshot 2024-03-28 094853.png
  5. Click the blue Find button to show all students in the building your focus is set to

    1. The Find Result screen pops up then with all students in the building

  6. Hover the cursor over the Student ID column name, click the small black arrow to reveal the Copy Column To Clipboard button, click on this button

    1. Screenshot 2024-03-28 095610.png
    2. This will copy all building Student IDs (Student Numbers) to use in the next steps

  7. Open the Mass Email screen

  8. Click on Extra Filters (tab)

  9. Under the Students area, click on the Chooser button

  10. Paste the student numbers in the Student ID box - this may take up to one minute to depending on the number of students being copied, please be patient

  11. Click the checkbox left of the student name to remove a student from the list - it will remove the student immediately from the list once the checkbox is clicked.

    1. If a students' checkbox is click accidentally, type in their name / number under the Find Criteria area then click Find, then click on the student in the list to be added back over to the Selected Items column - they will get added at the bottom of the list (this will not affect the email order / behavior at all)

  12. When ready to add the students to the email, click the green +Select button at the top

    1. Please be patient as this part can take up to one minute

  13. All students will appear under the Students area

    1. You can remove any other students here by clicking the orange arrow button left of the student name if you forgot to remove them in the last step

  14. Revise the email in the Options tab, select any other criteria and add attachments if needed

  15. WHEN READY - click the Send Email button at the top of the Mass Email screen

IT Services is not able to undo/unsend an unintended email. Please revise the email, recipients, filters, options and attachments BEFORE sending