Medication Task List - HLT407

The Medication Task Lists shows all medications and procedures that the health staff must complete for a specific date or range of dates.

Report Options:


  • Date - Select the date to display all medication tasks due

  • Show All Prior Tasks - Includes all previously due tasks that are still incomplete

  • Grade - Filters the report by a grade or grade range

  • Section ID - Filters the report output to only include students enrolled in the selected section

  • Teacher - Filters the report output to only include students in the selected teacher’s section or class

  • Remaining Units (Less than or equal to) - Filters the report to include only the medications that may need to be refilled. The report lists those medications with that number of units remaining or less

  • PRN - Filters to include or exclude students who receive medication on an as needed basis


If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services