Quick Launch
Quick Launch Entities
The Quick Launch bar has an additional drop-down option that allows you to select an Entity Type to use for a record search. The Entity Type search allows you to jump directly to a specific record in the related screen. The last three screens in the navigation history display as icons for most entities.
None –Clears records under the Find results
Student –Search for Synergy SIS student records using student name or Perm ID to open the Student or Student VUE screens.
Student –Search for student records using the student name or Perm ID to open the Synergy SE Student screen.
Section –Search for section records using the Section ID or Course Title to open the Section or Health By Section screens.
Course –Search for course records using the Course ID or Course Title to open the Course screen.
Staff –Search for staff records using the Last Name or First Name to open the Staff screen.
Parent –Search for parent records using the Last Name or First Name to open the Parent screen.
Synergy SIS Student Entity Type
Hover over Quick Launch and select
Enter the student name or Perm ID in Quick Launch until records display under Find Results.
Select the student name to load the student in the current Student screen, or select an icon to open the student's record in that screen.
Using Section Entity Type
Hover over Quick Launch and select .
Enter the Section ID or Course Title until records display under Find Results.
Select the section to open the record in the current screen, or select an icon to open the section record in that screen.
Course Entity Type
Hover over Quick Launch and select
Enter the Course ID or Course Title until records display under Find Results.
Select the course to open the course record in the current screen, or select an icon to open the course record in that screen.
Using Staff Entity Type
Hover over Quick Launch and select .
Enter the Last Name or the First Name until records display under Find Results.
Select the staff name to load the staff in the current staff screen, or select an icon to open the staff record in that screen.
Parent Entity Type
Hover over Quick Launch and select
Enter the Last Name or First Name until records display under Find Results.
Select the parent name to open the Parent screen, or select an icon to open the parent record in that screen.
If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services
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