Canvas Grade Passback Guide

The following article will walk through the steps to ensure that Canvas PassBack is properly setup to send grades to our Synergy Gradebook.

Syncing Canvas grades automatically to Synergy each night
Setting Up an Assignment to be Sent to my SIS

 Click on Assignments in the left blue course menu and make sure all the graded assignments are in one of the groups that are used in Synergy (Assessment, Assignment, Classwork, Homework, Lab, Participation, Project, Quiz, Test). You cannot use any other groups.  If assignments are in “Imported Assignments,” drag them into the proper group.

Canvas will not passback extra credit as the score is typically more than twice the allowed points. In order to give a student extra credit, it will need to be recorded in Synergy.

How to Create Extra Credit Assignments

Once you’ve completed these checks, you can ‘force’ a synchronization by clicking on Grades in the left course menu (goes to your Grade Book); then click on Actions / Sync to SIS. It may take several minutes to complete the synchronization.