TeacherVue - Student Profile View

Student Profile View is a resource that can be used to view student information for students across the district.


Click on the student’s picture, then click Student Profile

The Summary screen that you will come to will have a summary of student information, including their Homeroom and Counselor in the top right corner, their current schedule, behavior information, general student information including their mailing address, birthday, parent information and emergency contacts.

The Attendance will show the student’s past Attendance information

The Course History tab will show information on how many credits the student has taken, how many credits the student has remaining and graduation credits for each subject

The Grade Book Detail tab will show student information for specific classes and marking periods with drop down menus for you to navigate each class and marking period. Assignment and course grades will be shown in this tab.

The MTSS tab will show behavior information


If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services