Approving ParentVUE Updates

Updates to student information made by parents through the ParentVue portal must be approved before they are committed to Synergy. This guide will show the process of approving those changes.


  1. Verify the correct focus is selected (school and year)

  2. Navigate to Synergy SIS → Student → Review PVUE Updates

  3. Click either of the two 'Change' buttons to scroll through all students with pending changes.
    * You can also locate students directly by using the search fields if a parent reaches out

  4. Find the table of changes, look for the 'Accept'/'Reject' column, and click the down arrow for approval options

  5. For each entry, select 'Accept' or 'Reject' to approve or deny the changes

  6. You can click any of the three 'Populate/Clear _ for All' buttons to make bulk responses to changes

  7. Once all changes for that student have been accepted or rejected, click ‘Process Updates' to commit those changes to Synergy. Then use the 'Change’ buttons to move to the next student record.

If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services