(MOVED) Requesting Guest Accounts

You can request and manage Guest Accounts from the IT Services Applications page


Guest accounts are for Non Employees such as Student Teachers, Interns and any Non Employed adult that needs a SCASD account and/or id badge. These accounts have limited expiration dates that you will sponsor and can extend or revoke from this site.


  • Here you will see a table that is displaying all of your current guests.

  • The table shows the guests First Name, Last Name, Personal Email, SCASD Userid, Start/End Date, and Account Status.

    • Active - If an account is active, you will see a 'Manage' button which will allow you to make the guest account inactive or extend the end date.

    • Inactive - If an account is inactive, you will see an ‘Enable’ button which activates the guest account. This will prompt you with a Start/End Date to activate the account.

    • Account Status may be Active, Inactive, Pending Validation, or Denied.



  • This search function allows you to search for all of your current guest records.

  • You may search by first name, last name, email, or userid.

    • To clear your search you will delete the text from the search bar and hit enter.

Add New Guest

Before adding a new Guest search by Name and Personal Email first. If they had account and it is disabled, you can sponsor and reactivate that account. 

  • If a middle name is not entered an X will be used in their userid creation.

  • A check will be performed to make sure that the guest is not already in the system.

  • You will first be prompted to enter the guest's First, Middle, and Last Name and their Personal Email.

    • If they are in the system you will be notified.

  • If the guest is not in the system, you will be prompted to enter Start/End Date, Building Location, Door Access Level, Guest Type, and Reason for Request.

  • Once you hit Submit, the request will be submitted for approval and processing. This typically happens within 1 business day and the account will activate automatically.


Each piece of the form must be filled out, or you will not be able to submit it.

Managing Guest Account

  • When a guest account reaches its expiration date, the account will automatically disable.

  • If a guest’s work is not complete when the expiration date approaches, you as a sponsor can edit end date to extend.

  • If a guest’s time with the district ends before their expiration date, you as a sponsor can disable the account.


Sign Out

  • If you do not click sign out, you will be automatically signed out after 15 minutes of inactivity.

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