Fix Nutrikids pin pad not working


There are two common errors that occur when setting up the pin pad for use with the Nutrikids software, an incorrect driver or device location is not set correctly


Installing Correct Driver

After Nutrikids is installed and the PinPad is plugged in

  1.  Open Device Manager

  2. Find the device error under USB Devices and click Update Driver

  3. Click Browse for Drivers installed on this machine

  4. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\NUTRIKIDS\Point of Sale\Serving Line\Utilities\Device Connection\Drivers

  5. Driver will update and PinPad will Beep to alert you it is installed correctly

Setting Device Location

After ensuring the Driver is correct

  1. Open the Start Menu

  2. Navigate to the Nutrikids Folder and Open Point of Sale Device Connection

  3. From the Task bar in the lower right corner click the Arrow to show more options

  4. Then Click the 2 Gears to Open the NKDevCon Screen

  5. From the Left Device Menu Click the drop down arrow to show more options

  6.  Choose the correct PinPad Model from the List

If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services

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