Syncing Google Classroom with Synergy - Daily / Weekly

The following information will help you with syncing Synergy with Google Classroom on a daily or weekly basis. The district requires all faculty using Google Classroom to sync their grades weekly to keep students and families up to date with students work via StudentVue and ParentVue.


  1. Log into Teachervue and open Gradebook.

  2. Once Gradebook opens, Google Classroom will automatically sync after your first login to Synergy. Once the Syncing from Google has finished, all assignments and grade that were created in Google Classroom will show in Gradebook and be available for students and parents in StudentVue and ParentVue.

  3. If you have already synced but would like to sync again due to a change in Google Classroom since your last login, you can manually sync Google Classroom with Gradebook using the Sync button in Gradebook.

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