Customizing your Clever Page

In this article we show how to customize your Clever Teacher Page


  1. Navigate to the SCASD Clever Page

  2. Login with Google

  1. Once you are in your page you can add content (Apps, Links, Categories)

  2. Click on the Add button in the bottom right-hand corner and choose what resource you would like to add


  3. Search for a App or paste a URL into the link field

  4. Choose an icon to represent your link (Any picture can be uploaded to help students locate the resource)

  5. Enter a title to help your students locate the link

  6. Choose a category for your link to appear under

  7. Click Add resource

  1. To make your links easier to find for your students, you can organize them into different categories. Categories can help you separate your resources by class, topic, or however you see fit. You can reorder and delete categories by using the arrows and trash can icons next to the category name.

  2. Once set up, you can always reorganize your resources and links by clicking and dragging them around. If you'd like to add a category without adding a resource, you can click the drop-down arrow next to Add resources in the right-hand sidebar.

  1. You can also delete your resources that your students no longer need to access. To do this, just follow these instructions:

    1. Hover over the resource or link you'd like to remove

    2. Click Edit

    3. In the sidebar that opened, first click the drop-down arrow next to Save

    4. Click Delete resource


  1. All of your students that are in your sections will be able to see your teacher page! When they log into their Portal, they will be able to see your teacher page as an icon:


  2. Once they click on the icon, they'll be presented with your teacher page:


If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services