Your Content

Your Content is an area that collects all of the articles and excerpts saved throughout the entire Newsela website. 


The Saved area is for when an article is saved anywhere from the Newsela website. The save icon is a small bookmark icon on the articles thumbnail before clicking on the actual article, or the article itself. 

Article thumbnail

Within the article

Text Sets (TS)

Text Sets are organized groups of articles and texts that share a common theme. Users can create their own Text Sets, view other users' and view Text Sets by Newsela Editors. 

My Text Sets

TSs at your School

The Text Sets at Your School are very similar with how the regular Text Sets work, they are simply organized and viewable by your school. When setting up your account with Newsela and a primary home building is selected, the Texts organized by the building set will show only for that buildings' users. 

If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services

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