R3 Procedures for Students


  1. Log in to the R3 portal

  2. In the upper right corner, select All Requests

  3. Select the ticket corresponding with the device being worked on

  4. Select 'Device Evaluation' and add R3 student name and date

  5. Next, select Submit Repair Proposal

    1. Student Submitting Repair Proposal

    2. Device Warranty Status

    3. Proposed Repair

    4. Parts Needing Ordered

  6. This will set the status to Waiting for Approval

  7. Once Approved or Denied by R3 Technician and parts are received, the device can be repaired

  8. Repaired device will be Under Review and should then be handed off to the R3 para to Process Repair, verify machine is working and generate any invoice needed

  9. R3 para will then assign ticket back to Technician or Depot Para and work order device back

  10. Once Waiting for Shipment/Arrival depot para should comment on the ticket to let the student know device is repaired and ready to be picked up.  At pick-up Depot Para should Resolve ticket

Please contact the R3 technician with any questions