Raptor - Planning and Managing Drills

Please Do Not Initiate a Drill from Raptor Drill Manager at this time until IT Services has completed the Configuration of Drill Manager. IT Services will provide more information on when Initiating Drills from Drill Manager can be used.

Planning a drill in Raptor Drill Manager is a straightforward process. Here are the steps you can follow:

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to Raptor at https://apps.raptortech.com with your email address and district password.

    Raptor Login
  2. After login in Select Emergency Management from the landing page

    Emergency Management


  3. Next, select the building for which you wish to manage the drill schedule if it’s not already selected for you.


  4. Next, click Drill Manager on the left-hand menu to view the drill schedule


  5. In Drill Manager locate the drill you wish to plan and click the Plan button.


  6. In the Plan screen select the Calendar Icon and pick the date you wish to plan a drill for and click the Save Planned Date button.


  7. To Complete the Planned Drill you can use the Complete button in the Individual Requirement List


  8. In the Complete dialog box select the date the drill was completed, enter any notes for the drill, and click Save to finish completing the drill. After clicking Save the Drill will be marked Completed




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