Approving Discipline Incidents - Moved


When adjusting the Incident, please select the Teacher Incident or Minor categorization

  1. When logged into AdminVUE and using the PAD tree, navigate to Synergy SIS > Discipline Incident > Incident Approval Queue

  2. Be sure to select your building focus the incidents are being viewed in

  3. Once an incident is found, click on the Incident ID Number

  4. A new window will pop up and display Incidents screen

  5. Scroll down to Violations, then click the +Add button then select your choice

  6. Then, scroll down a little to Student’s Involved, click the drop down arrow to the left of the student picture, scroll to Dispositions, click +Add and lastly select the Code

  7. Once everything is filled out, click the Save button at the top


Referring back to an existing Incident

  1. While at the Incident Approval Queue main page, click the History tab next to the Queue

  2. Click on the Incident ID Number and repeat the applicable steps for adjusting the options for the selected incident

If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services