Navigating Health

This guide will help Nurses / Nurse Para’s navigate through Synergy’s Health pages to begin working with student checkins and recording student health data.


  1. Once logged into Synergy, click on the PAD Tree (see ex. image below) > Synergy SIS > Health

  2. You will now see the following options (below):

  3. In Synergy, click on one of the options above to begin searching and recording info

Below are descriptions of each of the above screens

  • Health (Parent Group)

    • Reports (Child Group) - expands into other forms profiles that can be worked on for in-depth detail

    • Setup (Child Group) - expands into other forms profiles that can be worked on for in-depth detail

    • Health - logs any visits to the nurse, records any health conditions the student has, and tracks the student’s immunizations. It can also track any medications or procedures that school personnel need to administer to the student.

    • Health Log Other (Employees, Interns, Faculty and Staff) - records health-related incidents that involve non-student.

    • Health Log Student - records health-related incidents for multiple students within an organization on any given single date.

    • Health Screen - records the results of screening tests for tuberculosis, vision, hearing, scoliosis, a general physical, and dental.

    • Health Screen by Grade - enables you to view and administer the screening results for tuberculosis, vision, hearing, scoliosis, general physical, and dental health by grade.

    • Health Screen by Section - enables you to view and enter the screening results for tuberculosis, vision, hearing, scoliosis, general physical, and dental health by section.

    • Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) - lists all the Healthcare Plans created individually per student to manage a student’s chronic or long-term health issues.

    • Medication and Service Monitor - lists all medications and procedures that need to be administered to students on a given date, based on the medications and procedures recorded in the Health screen for each student.

If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services