
If a student is missing from your MAP testing session, follow these instructions on how to add them. Note - changes take overnight to appear on MAP Growth reports.


  1. Under Manage Students, enter your search criteria and click Search.

  2. Select the student you would like to modify.

  3. Select View/Update

  4. Under Terms, select the correct term and click View/Update Term

  5. To remove a class, select the class and click Remove Class

  6. To add a student to a class:

    1. Under Classes, select Add Classes

    2. Select the school and begin typing the instructors last name. Select the instructor from the list

    3. Under Available Classes, select the classes you would like to add and click Add Class → to move from the Available Classes to the Classes to Assign section

    4. Select the blue Add Classes button at the bottom of the page.

  7. Select Update Term

  8. Click on Continue

  9. Finally review your changes and select Submit.

  10. You will receive the message "Student profile has been updated successfully."

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