Explain what this how-to article is for. For example, you might write an article to teach people at your company how to set up a corporate email account or file an expense report.


Create a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Pick the steps here for your device

Pick the steps here for your device

  1. Open System Preferences → Network

  2. Turn Wifi On 

  3. Connect to SCASD

  1. Open Settings app → WiFi 

  2. Connect to SCASD

  1. Click the Network icon on bottom right of screen

  2. Connect to SCASD

  1. Open Settings app → Connections → WiFi

  2. Connect to SCASD

Step 2: After getting connected to SCASD

  1. Open your devices browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc) and authenticate with your UserID and 

  2. Authentication
    If an Authentication window does not appear automatically, please type in a non-https web address like scoodle.com or games.com.

    1. Once the Login page appears please enter a userID and password

Connection will expire after 12 hours. At that time please repeat the previous steps to re-authenticate 

If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services

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