Please follow this guide to program an extended out of office voice message to a district phone


Setting Extended Absence Message

  1. On the phone, dial 8070#

  2. Enter your four-digit mailbox number

  3. Enter your security code

  4. Press 3 to enter the "Phone Manager Functions" menu

  5. Press 6 to record your "Out of Office" greeting

  6. Start recording your greeting at the tone and then press any key

  7. Press 5 to save the Out of Office greeting

  8. Hang up the phone and the Extended Absence Message is now set

Removing Extended Absence Message

  1. On the phone, dial 8070#

  2. Enter your four-digit mailbox number

  3. Enter your security code

  4. Press 4 to remove the Extended Absence Message

  5. Hang up the phone and the Extended Absence Message is now removed

If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services

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