Google Meet Named Meetings

This guide will show how to join a teacher's Google Meet after they have joined as the host

Teacher Meeting Setup

  1. Open Clever and create a new Link for your students to use

  2. In the link field, follow the below naming scheme closely


      1. EX:

  3. Name your Clever icon freely

  4. Join your newly created Google Meet link to make sure everything works, you have Host Controls, Breakout Rooms…etc

To activate your new Google Meet link you must join the meeting you just created or IT WILL NOT WORK FOR YOUR STUDENTS

Please be sure to join the Google Meet earlier than what the students are scheduled to join to avoid errors

How students join

  • Students will join via their Clever page and by navigating to each teachers Clever Page.

  • Once they find your Google Meet icon in Clever, they will click to open the link and click the Join now button in Google Meet

If there are any questions or issues please contact IT Services

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